A simple basic nutrition principle for meal preparation to promote efficient benefit from a wide range of nutrients in each meal, hence promoting good health, and in the long run, wealth. Also there are some basic explanation about certain functions and misconceptions.

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Monday, 28 December 2020

Diet And Foods That Heal

On a white surface are sliced beets with the scarlet red anti-cancer pigments, betacyanin.
Everything exists in balance of which, with proper maintenance functions as was made to. Also, all kinds of matter is formed with specific material proportion, which must be adhered to in event of replacement, reproduction, or repairs. For example, to reproduce fruitcakes with the same taste, texture, shape, and size, the fresh batter requires using the same amount of all ingredients (sugar, spice, fruits, flour, raising agent, eggs, milk, and so on); baked at the same temperature in the same size, and shaped baking tin. Because of ignorance many things... (click/tap to read more)

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