A simple basic nutrition principle for meal preparation to promote efficient benefit from a wide range of nutrients in each meal, hence promoting good health, and in the long run, wealth. Also there are some basic explanation about certain functions and misconceptions.

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Diet And Foods That Heal - Cancer

Woman lying in bed with eyes closed and covered under sheet, and quilt spread.
Everything exists in balance of which, with proper maintenance functions as was made. Also, all kinds of matter are formed with specific material proportion, which must be adhered to in the event of replacement, reproduction, or repairs. Because of ignorance, many things are not allowed to retain their balance, characteristics, and textural quality, thus the need for advice. Ignorance, therefore, can become our greatest foe while knowledge our trusted friend. Not knowing how to operate, care for, or repair a machine can result in rapid deterioration, and not able to restore it to reliable working condition. The same holds true for our health. We need to know how to produce and maintain healthy beings and restore good health when it fails. To accomplish this, we need to understand how our bodies operate and what is required to acquire and maintain good health. Type material and quantity is vital for good health. 

To us, food is the material the body uses for repairs and maintenance. Hence, it is essential to know what foods, combination, and quantity to eat, and why. Thus, knowing the properties of these foods, their nutritional function in our diet, and their nutrient content volume will also empower us in making daily healthy dietary decisions.

Although there may be basic nutrients common in several foods, each food has its unique properties with varied nutrient content and volume. Some foods are good sources of some nutrients, while others are not. Many nutrients found in various foods are not yet discovered or made popular for common knowledge; hence one food item cannot replace or substitute another as indicated by the color, smell, and taste of each food. The chemical properties that give each food their distinctive flavor, smell, and colors are essential nutrients. Their fundamental functions are for promoting the production of cells, hormones, tissues, enzymes, and muscles. The exciting thing about these foods is that if eaten as whole foods, and together, interact with each other, working synergistically to benefit our health. 

Because of their interaction, foods' health benefits maximize up to 10 times when eaten together, other than at different meals. Food combination produces the required chemical reactions necessary for catalytic formation of essential body chemicals that promote fast and effective absorption for tissues and enzymes' production. 

More deadly than total ignorance is well-engraved and accepted misconceptions resulting from misinformation that has manifested itself in food choices; what to eat or eliminated from the diet – foods that are beneficial to maintain good health. Especially as we grow older and our system gets more inefficient, proper diet knowledge is even more critical. Abstinence from certain natural foods will prove more detrimental to good health than being beneficial. As we age, eating more of certain kinds of foods and supplementing the diet is critical.

As you progress through these posts, and books, the high points to take home and implement for results are:
  1. How to empower yourself for good health;
  2. The impact of diet for the reduction, or elimination of various health problems;
  3. How to use nutrition to correct or prevent most health issues.
You will be introduced to various books I author that will provide details of subjects featured here. These books include:
To put the knowledge gained from this post, and linked books into action will require making changes that will empower you to take action and sustain it. From where will this power come? That will be discussed in another post I'll name "Motivation To Good Health". For now, we will focus on the subject of  "Diet For Cancer Patients".

Cancer is an illness categorized as "Terminal" However, it is not necessarily so, and at whatever stage, there is a recovery treatment. This treatment must include the correct nutrition that will nourish the body, boost the immune system, inhibit cancer growth, and performs repairs. Because cancer in most cases results from diet deficiencies, this will involve consuming large volumes, or high dosages of relevant nutrients, followed by effecting repairs. Once those foods are included in the diet, especially in high dosages, the body gets a chance to heal itself. 

Cancer, otherwise known as a malignant tumor, is the abnormal, uncontrolled growth of body cells. There are several kinds of cancers and named according to where they form. There is a need to eat to prevent cancer since even though some show early symptoms, others are at a very late stage, and yet others, no symptom at all. There are specific flavonoids and other phytonutrients that work to arrest and destroy cancer cells. Depending on how advanced, the type of food and volume consumed, nutrition can arrest cancer cells within four days, and patient getting well within four months. There are more details in "Diet For Cancer Patients: by Jacquelin F. Grant (Kindle e-book). You may preview and buy this book on Amazon.


Foods listed as part of "Preparing Balanced Meals, The Principle Involve" that contain these phytonutrients must be incorporated in the diet at a specific frequency, in volume, and balanced according to the percentage of each meal. Additionally, it is crucial to include all nutrients from all food groups in your diet. These foods serve as material to perform repairs as rapid uncontrol growth stops within a short time; hence all material in proper combination and balance is of paramount importance.

Suggested meals are specifically recommended based on combining specific foods to maximize the synergistic benefit of cancer-fighting nutrients based on research, producing rapid results. Juices are also vital, but these juices must have particular nutrients in specific combinations to maximize timely results and incorporate with the suggested meal diet. All these are discussed in details in the "Diet For Cancer Patients".

No matter what the treatment is, the result will be sluggish and less effective with a toxic system. Certain specific ingredients have to be included in detoxification formula for cancer patients. This formula is also available in the above kindle e-book that is available on Amazon.

Feel free to click/tap and read the preview, buy your copy, share with all people you know, and leave a review. Everyone is at risk for cancer, and deserve the opportunity to apply preventative measures.

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