A simple basic nutrition principle for meal preparation to promote efficient benefit from a wide range of nutrients in each meal, hence promoting good health, and in the long run, wealth. Also there are some basic explanation about certain functions and misconceptions.

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How To Minimize Cholesterol Buildup

Chicken meat fried in coconut oil provides essential fatty acids, and amino acids essential for the production of proteins, hormones, and body fluids for healthy maintenance of body functions, and proper regulation of cholesterol.
Abstaining from certain foods claimed to be suppliers of dietary cholesterol is not necessary, especially if one’s daily diet is rich in fibers. Research has indicated that foods supplying cholesterol, especially when consumed in conjunction with high fiber foods, do not affect cholesterol level. Fibers usually absorb and eliminate most if not all dietary cholesterol. In addition, most dietary cholesterol is esterified and thus is poorly absorbed. Furthermore, some plants produce phytosterols, which are substances chemically similar to cholesterol that competes for absorption in the intestinal tract, thus potentially reducing cholesterol re-absorption. Because phytosterols are foreign to animal cells, when absorbed in the intestinal lining in place of cholesterol, they usually excrete into the gastrointestinal tract for elimination. It follows then, that your body primarily produces the cholesterol in the blood and any additional absorption is minimal and usually is compensated for by reduction in cholesterol synthesis. 

Since saturated fats are necessary for cholesterol production, which in turn is necessary for body functions, rather than eliminating saturated fats from ones diet, one should limit its consumption and increase the consumption of high fiber foods. Besides, foods such as beef and dairy product, that are rich in saturated fats, are also rich in other nutrients, most of which are fat-soluble, and is essential for lipoprotein production. If one places, greater emphasis on always maintaining a balanced diet then the need for undue focus on how much saturated fat consumed will not be necessary. This is because with a balanced diet, the total fats aggregately consumed, will automatically regulate to a minimal – less than 6%. In addition, by discarding the fats from your foods, you are in effect eliminating fat-soluble vitamins, essential fatty acids as well as other nutrients necessary for various body functions and the production of proteins inclusive of lipoproteins. The inner surface of the lipoproteins is fatty, which suggest that these proteins need fatty acids for their synthesis. In addition, the fat on the inside of these lipoproteins are there for a vital function – the transportation of fat-soluble molecules such as that of cholesterol, fat-soluble phytonutrients, selenium, and fat-soluble vitamins.

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Other Essentials For Protein Utilization

As discussed earlier, regulating cholesterol involves the presence of plant foods in the diet. This includes a high percentage of vegetables and fruits. Nuts and seeds are also important in the diet. Their fibers as well as their phytosterols will help to minimize absorption of cholesterol from the intestine. Additionally, the minerals from these foods are necessary for the synthesis of various enzymes involved in various functions including the regulation of cholesterol. Getting all the necessary amino acids for the production of proteins involves consuming both animal and plant source. Protein utilization requires other nutrients that are also available in plant foods. These are nutrients such as:

Vitamin A: that is required for the utilization of protein.

Source: Vegetable source of vitamin A includes carrots pumpkins, sweet potatoes, sweet potato leaves, winter squash, yellow corn, tomatoes, broccoli, chard, spinach, beet greens, collards, callaloo, asparagus, kale, garlic, mustard green, red peppers, turnip greens, and watercress.

Fruit Source: include apricots, watermelon, cantaloupe, peaches, persimmons, oranges, mangoes, watermelon, and papaya. 

Vitamin C: that is necessary for collagen formation. Collagen is responsible for keeping cells together. Research has attributed the boosting of high-density lipoprotein to increased level of vitamin C. Vitamin C is also necessary for protein and cartilage synthesis, bone growth and tissue repairs. In addition, vitamin C is essential for the utilization of vitamin A.

Source: Asparagus, avocados, beet greens, black currants, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cantaloupe, collards, dandelion greens, dulse, grapefruit, kale, lemons, mangoes, mustard greens, onions, oranges, papayas, green peas, sweet peppers, persimmons, pineapple, radishes, rose hips, spinach, strawberries, tomatoes, turnip greens, watercress, cayenne, kelp, parsley, plantain and guava.

Vitamin K: is necessary for the synthesis of osteocalcin, the protein in bone tissue on which calcium crystallizes.

Source: Plant sources are cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, dark green leafy vegetables, oats, soybean, peas, wheat, as well as the action of the friendly bacteria in our digestive system are good source of vitamin K.

Vitamin B5: converts fats, carbohydrates, and protein into energy.

Source: Plant sources are legume, nuts, mushroom, fresh vegetables.

Calcium: participates in protein structure of RNA (ribonucleic acid) and DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid)

Source: Plant source are almond, asparagus, broccoli, cabbage, green leafy vegetables, and sesame seeds

Animal source of nutrients such as vitamins A, K, B5, and calcium includes eggs, beef, milk and other dairy products.

Additionally, carotenoids, and flavonoids found in plant foods possesses antioxidant properties that are essential for the reduction of oxidative action associated with atherosclerosis. Eggplant for example has several phytonutrients including nasunin and chlorogenic acid that are beneficial for the reduction of cholesterol buildup. Chlorogenic acid, also present in coffee, peach, prune, and the skin of apples, inhibits oxidation of low-density lipoprotein thus preventing atherosclerosis that can lead to cardiovascular disease. When engorged macrophages formed foam cells are lodged in the arteries. These vessels become rigid and constricted, forming atherosclerosis. This inflexible narrowed passage results in high blood pressure. Cases where hypertension, results from cholesterol deposits warrant the necessity to adopt and stick to a lifestyle involving daily consumption of balanced meals. This will ensure a wide range of nutrients from diverse foods. This new diet needs to be one that you can be comfortable with, one that with a few adjustments include the kind of foods you are accustomed to. In this case, you will find it easier to stick to this diet. Since there are many foods that some persons do not find palatable, it is necessary to mix favorite foods with disliked foods. This will minimize the taste of that which is disliked and one can thus get full nutritional benefit. 

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